Previous Contracts

Commercial electrical lighting

At Zone Electrical Contractors Ltd, we provide commercial electrical lighting  services to many major clients across the UK and Ireland. To find out more about our business energy management systems, contact us today.

Innovative design of business critical systems

Over the last 35 years, we've worked with a number of major clients including RBS, Pulsant, TelecityGroup and Barclays to provide electrical control and data services for their business critical systems. For more information on our tailor made building management systems, contact us today. We welcome projects from across the UK and Ireland.  
Zone Electrical is responsible for all upgrades, additions and reconfigurations of the blind control systems within the Shard. Maintaining these high standards has been an ongoing project throughout the past three years.
At Sevenoaks Boys School Zone Electrical designed and built a bespoke control panel to monitor and adjust the blind and window positions. Using specialist sensors, they maintain healthy CO2 levels by adjusting these accordingly.
In the award winning Chiswick Business park, Zone has not only re-wired and programmed but also upgraded the whole strategy using the latest climatronic weather station control system. This system controls all external awnings on buildings 01, 03, 10 and 11.

To find out more about building management systems, contact us today.

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